Gans Creek Hike

Last weekend, we initiated the 2016 hiking season. We had snow on the Wednesday before. Not much, but a ground covering at least. By Saturday and Sunday, most of the snow had melted and the weather slowly creeped into the 40 degree range. Perfect hiking weather! There was just enough snow on the ground to make it interesting, but sunny and bright enough for it to be refreshing to be outdoors. We hike all the time, which you probably know if you read this blog. We have our favorite spots for sure (Three Creeks, anyone?), but we are constantly scouting out new spots. We first stepped foot on this trail a couple of years ago when we were out for a drive and a dead ended up at this trail head. Excited to have found a new trail, we had to get out and see it. But because we had not intended on hiking that day, we weren't prepared for a long hike. If I remember correctly, I was still wearing dress shoes from school. We went in about 50 yards or so then turned around and made a men...