Spring Hike at Three Creeks

It's almost like spring hiking season hasn't even begun until we've hiked Three Creeks South. We generally hike it at least a handful of times during the year. It was one of the last hikes we did last year, and now the second AND third one of this year, because we've been there for the last two weekends now. Last Saturday, we had early morning soccer games. They were the first Saturday games of the season because the rain has continually delayed and cancelled one game and practice after another. But once we rolled ourselves out of bed so early for that first game, we figured we may as well be productive with the rest of our day and be outdoors. And boy did we ever make the most of it. We took one of the boys' friends with us, which was a lot of fun for the boys! Eli couldn't wait to get his feet in the water. Finally warm enough! He was the only one who braved the water, but I was thisclose to being right in there with him. Notice that Lex has...