Klondike Park, St. Charles County

Here is a summary of the conversations taking place in our house this summer. Boys: Can we watch t.v.? Me: Sure Boys: Can we play on the Xbox? Me: Sure Boys: Can we go on a bike ride? Me: Sure Boys: Can we go to the Nature Center? Me: Sure Boys: Can we play in the sprinkler? Me: Sure You get the point. We aren't checking off any to do lists this summer. In fact, there have been many days that I wake up and think, "Today is the day I will make a to do list," and then the boys ask to go to the park, and I say, "sure." Because that's the kind of summer we all need. Not one that is scheduled from dusk to dawn, and not one that has us all stressing about what we need to get done before tomorrow. It has been lovely I tell you. We've been on a few local hikes and have been to the creek a few times. We've been to Eagle Bluffs to see the landscape and we watched the sunset over the river. We've chased a few rainbows and we've played in the rain. We re...